Autoría: Túñez-López, J.M., Costa-Sánchez, C. & A. G. Frazão-Nogueira
RESUMEN: Public television faces a context of questioning and criticism exacerbated by the recent economic crisis, which has led to the closure of public regional channels in Spain and all over Europe. Added to this, in contextual terms, the change in the profile of audiences, now, online therefore, each time more participatory. Thus, the digitalization of processes, the fragmentation of audiences, the multiplication of the offer of free access through DTT, the emergence of various payment platforms and the consolidation of the Internet and the new media as consumer devices, lead to a new stage in the dynamics and the reach of public television, a set of factors that leads to the focus on the online communication strategies of European public televisions. So far, the studies in this area have been consolidated around three axes of analysis, one of them much more recent: 1)Programming strategies 2)Hearings and their evolution and 3)Corporate Social Responsibility, governance, accounts submission and transparency. This third line frames the proposal of this communication that focuses on the analysis of the Internet from the point of view of Corporate Communication and, more specifically, from the relational paradigm. The research, exploratory, uses an intentional sample or convenience (hence non-probabilistic)formed by Radiotelevisión Españ ola, RTVE (Spain), France Televisions, FT (France), Radiotelevisione Italiana, RAI (Italy), British Broadcasting Corporation, BBC (Great Britain), Rádio and Televisão de Portugal, RTP (Portugal)and Arbeitsgemeinschaft der ö ffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, ARD and Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen, ZDF (Germany). The specific items of the analysis are: global position in the ranking of websites; visit traffic: number of pages visited, average time and (Bounce Rank). Organized and promoted traffic and analysis of the activity of each channel in the main general social networks to determine, mainly, their frequency, thematic and interactivity.